This page details several traffic calming proposals made by Scott Struzik.
Briston at Dorfield Improvements
Description: Narrow the road by extending the curb. Create a new crosswalk on the west side of the Briston\Dorfield intersection
Creates a new mid-block crossing on Briston where only two lanes must be crossed, instead of four
Narrowing the road slows down traffic
Narrowing the road forces traffic to stay in the lane instead of driving on the shoulder
958 Briston loses some on-street parking, but gains two parking spots in their driveway apron
Briston at John R Improvements
Description: Narrowing the road by extending the curb. Add crosswalk markings.
Pedestrian traffic only has to cross two lanes instead of four
Gives more opportunity for pedestrians to be seen
Forces traffic into the travel lanes by having the should not start until the first driveways on Briston
Narrowing the road slows traffic down
A narrower road gives the feel of a slower, lower-capacity road
Hampton Circle at Briston Improvements
Description: Narrowing the road by extending the curb.
Narrows the Hampton Circle pedestrian crossing 1 lane, from 4 lanes to 3
Narrows the Briston Drive pedestrian crossing 2 lanes, from 4 lanes to 2
Forces cars to use travel lanes when turning by eliminating shoulder at the intersection
Narrower roads causes slower traffic
Better pedestrian markings raise awareness of pedestrians